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Products Quality

We strive to provide high-grade products through our continuous research and innovation;
we constantly observe the market trends and demands and invest in our supply chain infrastructure and systems.

1. Farming

We control the farming process from the very beginning until the products arrive at the packaging house. Our products are sustainable, ethical, and transparent. We ensure that we meet the proper global pesticide limits to protect the environment and the consumer’s health.
As well, we seek the best shape and form for the products to share only the finest agricultural produce with our clients.

2. Sorting

Once the harvest arrives at the packaging house, we start our sorting process. We aim by this process to separate the visually defected items; before the products move to the accurate grading automated technology.

3. Washing

We focus in the washing process on retaining the freshness and pureness of our products; we use a washing machine that sterilizes the fruits and gets rid of any foreign substance on them.

4. Grading

We use the latest grading technologies to export the best products’ quality possible. We have graders with an accurate weighting system that weights and measures each fruit and grades it according to the client’s requirements and needs.
We use an optical system to scan the surface of each product and classify it by color, size, diameter, and separate defected items from the production line. And the near-infrared system penetrates into the internal part of the product and analyzes its chemical properties to provide products with the best quality from the outside, as well the inside.

5. Waxing

Fruit waxing is the process of applying a thin protective layer of edible wax to the outer surface of the product, to reduce moisture loss and enhance the appearance of the product by adding a bright sheen and also protects the fruits from postharvest decay, which extends the shelf life.

6. Packaging

Our packaging techniques and materials protect our products from contamination, damage, or moisture loss during the shipping process.
And with the aid of the best logistics providers, we guarantee our clients timely, safe, and sustainable product shipping to any country in the world.

We are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectations regarding; food safety, taste, and quality standards.

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